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Date Format Creator 1 2 – Date Format Creator Version

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Let's meet a new built-in object: Date. It stores the date, time and provides methods for date/time management.

  1. Date Format Creator 1 2 – Date Format Creator Version Free
  2. Date Format Creator 1 2 – Date Format Creator Version 64-bit
  3. Date Format Creator 1 2 – Date Format Creator Version Pdf
  4. Date Format Creator 1 2 – Date Format Creator Version Download

Date Format Creator aims to make working with dates a little bit easier by giving you a date formatter to test and experiment with. Enter your UTS date format, pick a date and see how an NSDateFormatter would convert it into a string. Enter a date as a string and see if it's valid and becomes the date you're expecting. Notice: Your regexp does not work for years that 'are multiples of 4 and 100, but not of 400'. Years that pass that test are not leap years. For example: 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, etc.

For instance, we can use it to store creation/modification times, to measure time, or just to print out the current date.


To create a new Date object call new Date() with one of the following arguments:

Date Format Creator 1 2 – Date Format Creator Version
new Date()

Without arguments – create a Date object for the current date and time:

new Date(milliseconds)

Create a Date object with the time equal to number of milliseconds (1/1000 of a second) passed after the Jan 1st of 1970 UTC+0.

An integer number representing the number of milliseconds that has passed since the beginning of 1970 is called a timestamp.

It's a lightweight numeric representation of a date. We can always create a date from a timestamp using new Date(timestamp) and convert the existing Date object to a timestamp using the date.getTime() method (see below).

Dates before 01.01.1970 have negative timestamps, e.g.:

new Date(datestring)

If there is a single argument, and it's a string, then it is parsed automatically. The algorithm is the same as Date.parse uses, we'll cover it later.

new Date(year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, ms)

Create the date with the given components in the local time zone. Only the first two arguments are obligatory.

  • The year must have 4 digits: 2013 is okay, 98 is not.
  • The month count starts with 0 (Jan), up to 11 (Dec).
  • The date parameter is actually the day of month, if absent then 1 is assumed.
  • If hours/minutes/seconds/ms is absent, they are assumed to be equal 0.

For instance:

The maximal precision is 1 ms (1/1000 sec):

Access date components

There are methods to access the year, month and so on from the Date object:

Get the year (4 digits)
Get the month, from 0 to 11.
Get the day of month, from 1 to 31, the name of the method does look a little bit strange.
getHours(), getMinutes(), getSeconds(), getMilliseconds()
Get the corresponding time components.

Many JavaScript engines implement a non-standard method getYear(). This method is deprecated. It returns 2-digit year sometimes. Please never use it. There is getFullYear() for the year.

Additionally, we can get a day of week:

Get the day of week, from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). The first day is always Sunday, in some countries that's not so, but can't be changed.

All the methods above return the components relative to the local time zone.

There are also their UTC-counterparts, that return day, month, year and so on for the time zone UTC+0: getUTCFullYear(), getUTCMonth(), getUTCDay(). Just insert the 'UTC' right after 'get'.

If your local time zone is shifted relative to UTC, then the code below shows different hours:

Besides the given methods, there are two special ones that do not have a UTC-variant:


Returns the timestamp for the date – a number of milliseconds passed from the January 1st of 1970 UTC+0.


Returns the difference between UTC and the local time zone, in minutes:

Setting date components

The following methods allow to set date/time components:

  • setTime(milliseconds) (sets the whole date by milliseconds since 01.01.1970 UTC)

Every one of them except setTime() has a UTC-variant, for instance: setUTCHours().

As we can see, some methods can set multiple components at once, for example setHours. The components that are not mentioned are not modified.

For instance:


The autocorrection is a very handy feature of Date objects. We can set out-of-range values, and it will auto-adjust itself.

For instance:

Out-of-range date components are distributed automatically.

Let's say we need to increase the date '28 Feb 2016' by 2 days. It may be '2 Mar' or '1 Mar' in case of a leap-year. We don't need to think about it. Just add 2 days. The Date object will do the rest:

That feature is often used to get the date after the given period of time. For instance, let's get the date for '70 seconds after now':

We can also set zero or even negative values. For example:

Date to number, date diff

When a Date object is converted to number, it becomes the timestamp same as date.getTime():

The important side effect: dates can be subtracted, the result is their difference in ms.

Themes lab for keynote 5 1 5 download free. That can be used for time measurements:

If we only want to measure time, we don't need the Date object.

Smultron 10 text editor 10 1 3. There's a special method that returns the current timestamp.

It is semantically equivalent to new Date().getTime(), but it doesn't create an intermediate Date object. So it's faster and doesn't put pressure on garbage collection.

It is used mostly for convenience or when performance matters, like in games in JavaScript or other specialized applications.

So this is probably better:


If we want a reliable benchmark of CPU-hungry function, we should be careful.

For instance, let's measure two functions that calculate the difference between two dates: which one is faster?

Such performance measurements are often called 'benchmarks'.

These two do exactly the same thing, but one of them uses an explicit date.getTime() to get the date in ms, and the other one relies on a date-to-number transform. Their result is always the same.

So, which one is faster?

The first idea may be to run them many times in a row and measure the time difference. For our case, functions are very simple, so we have to do it at least 100000 times.

Let's measure:

Wow! Using getTime() is so much faster! That's because there's no type conversion, it is much easier for engines to optimize.

Okay, we have something. But that's not a good benchmark yet.

Imagine that at the time of running bench(diffSubtract) CPU was doing something in parallel, and it was taking resources. And by the time of running bench(diffGetTime) that work has finished.

A pretty real scenario for a modern multi-process OS.

Date Format Creator 1 2 – Date Format Creator Version Free

As a result, the first benchmark will have less CPU resources than the second. That may lead to wrong results.

For more reliable benchmarking, the whole pack of benchmarks should be rerun multiple times.

For example, like this:

Modern JavaScript engines start applying advanced optimizations only to 'hot code' that executes many times (no need to optimize rarely executed things). So, in the example above, first executions are not well-optimized. We may want to add a heat-up run:

Modern JavaScript engines perform many optimizations. They may tweak results of 'artificial tests' compared to 'normal usage', especially when we benchmark something very small, such as how an operator works, or a built-in function. So if you seriously want to understand performance, then please study how the JavaScript engine works. And then you probably won't need microbenchmarks at all.

The great pack of articles about V8 can be found at

Date.parse from a string

The method Date.parse(str) can read a date from a string.

The string format should be: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, where:

  • YYYY-MM-DD – is the date: year-month-day.
  • The character 'T' is used as the delimiter.
  • HH:mm:ss.sss – is the time: hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
  • The optional 'Z' part denotes the time zone in the format +-hh:mm. A single letter Z that would mean UTC+0.

Shorter variants are also possible, like YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM or even YYYY.

The call to Date.parse(str) parses the string in the given format and returns the timestamp (number of milliseconds from 1 Jan 1970 UTC+0). If the format is invalid, returns NaN.

For instance:

We can instantly create a new Date object from the timestamp:


  • Date and time in JavaScript are represented with the Date object. We can't create 'only date' or 'only time': Date objects always carry both.
  • Months are counted from zero (yes, January is a zero month).
  • Days of week in getDay() are also counted from zero (that's Sunday).
  • Date auto-corrects itself when out-of-range components are set. Good for adding/subtracting days/months/hours.
  • Dates can be subtracted, giving their difference in milliseconds. That's because a Date becomes the timestamp when converted to a number.
  • Use to get the current timestamp fast.

Note that unlike many other systems, timestamps in JavaScript are in milliseconds, not in seconds.

Sometimes we need more precise time measurements. JavaScript itself does not have a way to measure time in microseconds (1 millionth of a second), but most environments provide it. For instance, browser has that gives the number of milliseconds from the start of page loading with microsecond precision (3 digits after the point):

Node.js has microtime module and other ways. Technically, almost any device and environment allows to get more precision, it's just not in Date.

Date Format Creator 1 2 – Date Format Creator Version 64-bit


Blog Designer is a good handy and free solution for everyone who is looking for a responsive blog page with the website. Blog Designer provides you with a variety of 10 different blog templates to setup your blog page for any WordPress websites. Sometimes, we always stick with one blog layout as per theme, but it's not easy to change or modify only blog layout very easily, only you can do it by modifying code and css files.

However, using Blog Designer plugin you can design your blog page as per your choice to give it a WOW factor. Also you can modify various settings very quickly from admin side as Blog Designer plugin has User Friendly Admin Panel. So, beginners can start blogging within 5 minutes, no coding skill required.

You can show your new blog page design with any page via below shortcode.

Shortcode : [wp_blog_designer] – To display blog on page


Documentation:Blog Designer Documentation Link

Check our new WordPress Blog Theme

Check our new WordPress Portfolio Plugin

NOTE: We have updated Blog Designer plugin's backend UI from new version 1.8.7 for better usability. So, kindly clear the browser cache if you are facing an any issue with backend design or layout settings after upgrading to newer version of plugin.

Blog Designer Plugin Features

  • Fully Responsive
  • Cross Browsers Support (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc.)
  • Page Selection option to show your blog posts with any page
  • Easily manage number of posts per page
  • Show/Hide Post category, tags, author, comment counts, etc.
  • Multiple Post Category Selection
  • 10 Default Blog Templates – Boxy-Clean, Classical, Crayon-Slider, Glossary, Light Breeze, Spektrum, Evolution, Timeline, News and Nicy
  • Alternative Background color selection for posts
  • Style your content with wide variety of options like text color, background color, font size, etc.
  • Maintain post content length with summary text
  • Manage your ‘Read More' text
  • Custom CSS support
  • Square/Circle social share buttons
  • Translation Ready (.pot file attached)

Blog Designer Pro Features:

Pro version overcomes your limitations with lite version of blog designer.

Blog Designer PRO Plugin Features

  • 50 Default Blog Templates with 200+ option combinations and more coming soon!
  • 15+ Full-width/list style unique blog templates to showcase posts in good readable format
  • 10 Unique grid templates to showcase your stories in multiple columns
  • 5+ Unique timeline templates to showcase your stories in horizontal and vertical presentation
  • 3+ Magazine templates to represent you blog posts in newspaper style
  • 3 Unique slider templates to showcase your posts with big featured images
  • 3 Masonry templates to showcase your vertical featured images in good format with posts
  • Unlimited Blog, Archive and Single Layouts to design anything with blog
  • 40+ Category/Tag/Author/Date/Search Result Archive Layout page Design
  • 40+ Single Post Layout Design with number of features
  • Single Template override option to implement and make plugin compatible for any themes
  • Custom Post type support for Layouts
  • Template color preset for demo color of templates
  • Date Range post selection for Blog Layouts
  • Page Builder Support for Visual Composer, Divi Builder, BE Page Builder, etc.
  • Support of ‘Co-Authors Plus' plugin to showcase multiple post authors
  • Support of ‘Loco Translate' plugin to make your blog multilingual
  • Easy to switch from free to PRO via ‘One Click' option
  • Demo Install Layout Settings with Restore Default option
  • Grid layouts with ‘Media Query' setting options for responsive screen
  • 5+ Date Format options to select any best date format
  • ‘Live Preview' before create/modify Blog Layouts
  • Post like feature to add like with the specific blog
  • Multiple order by options – Published/Modified Date, Post ID, Post Title, etc.
  • Advanced Filter options for categories & tags to include and exclude posts for loop
  • Advanced Query: ‘Include/exclude' categories and tags from the loop
  • Wide range of post title settings including link enable/disable
  • 4 Pagination type options including 'Load More'
  • 5+ Pagination Templates for next posts link
  • 3 Template style to design Load More button
  • 25+ ‘Load Icon' library to select any loader on next load process
  • Date/Taxonomy filterable option with selected templates
  • Blog Post Template color available with selected templates
  • Custom ‘Read More' link option to target your external blog link
  • 10 Multiple social sharing button styles
  • Social Share counts available with different positions
  • Pinterest instant share button with featured image
  • Whatsapp, telegram, pocket, reddit social share buttons for instant mobile share
  • ‘Share via Email' option to share your blog and learnings to your friends
  • Author Biography design available with Single Post Layout
  • Unlimited Author Layout possibilities to give new look to every authors
  • Related Posts with category and column selection
  • 600+ Font Awesome icons support
  • 800+ Google font-family support
  • Duplicate Blog and Archive Layouts via single click
  • Sidebar widget – Recent Posts
  • Media Settings Panel for image size selection
  • Import/Export Blog, Archive and Single Layouts
  • Isotop Filter Option on category and tags
  • Woocommerce Supported
  • Woocommerce single & archive page Supported
  • Easy digital download plugin supported
  • Action and filters for developers

Where Blog Designer Pro plugin is useful ?

  • Event summary showcase (timeline)
  • My achievements (timeline)
  • Company new product updates
  • Latest trend blog
  • Business & Entrepreneurship Blogs
  • NGO website to share news/update
  • To display different category post with different design

What people are saying

Date Format Creator 1 2 – Date Format Creator Version Pdf

  • 'An effective and user-friendly Blog Manager Plugin used for beautifying blog page of your website.' –
  • 'Blog Designer Pro makes your blog section more intuitive with no coding skill. It's very easy to manage for beginners to website developers.' –
  • 'Blog Designer is a free and efficient WordPress plugin which is really easy to use. You can design the blog page in the way you want.' –
  • 'You can design your blog page as per your wish with the plugin Blog Designer.' –
  • 'Blog Designer is a free WordPress plugin for anyone who is looking to create a responsive blog page on their website.' –
  • 'Blog Designer WordPress plugin allows you to arrange posts in a different order, such as by categories, tags, or author.' –
  • 'If you've ever dreamed of designing your own blog but don't have the necessary coding skills, Blog Designer PRO for WordPress may be the answer.' –
  • 'This is a free extensive plugin which helps to create and change your blog with 6 unique blog templates.' –

Buy Blog Designer Pro on Codecanyon :

Technical Support

We're active for any support issues and feature suggestions. So hope you will love it. Please contact us at support forum or


This plugin provides 1 block.

Blog Designer


  1. Upload the file Via WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New,
  2. Alternately, upload blog-designer folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory via FTP,
  3. Activate the Blog Designer plugin from Admin > Plugins.


Does Blog Designer give me total control of my blog page?

Yes, Blog Designer gives you total control of your blog page. You need to just setup everything correctly and play with it. You may get more than your expectations.

Does Blog Designer design my single post pages?

No, this featured not covered with free version plugin but you can design your single post pages with the help of ‘Single Post Layouts' in PRO version plugin.

Does Blog designer provide some default blog templates?

Yes, Blog designer provides 10 default blog templates – Boxy Clean, Classical, Crayon Slider, Glossary, Light Breeze, Spektrum, Evolution, Timeline, News and Nicy.

And in Blog Designer PRO version, there are 40+ unique blog templates available for category, tag, date and author archive pages. Those same blog templates compatible with single post pages also.

I have used your blog designer shortcode with page or already selected a specific page for blog section via Blog Designer panel but still I am not getting blog layouts design as per you are showing in your demo site?

Please login with your WordPress admin panel and go to Settings > Reading and find option Front page displays. If you have selected an option as ‘A Static page > Posts page' with your same blog page then please change that selection with default value settings.

For more details, please check this screenshot.

Date Format Creator 1 2 – Date Format Creator Version Download

Can I apply this blog designer only for my hot categories?

Yes, there is one backend option available as you can select multiple categories and blog designer apply for that categories only.

Is there any social option available as I can add social share button on my blog page with every post?

Yes, Blog designer providing option as you can add social share on blog page with 2 different shape options. You can get more advanced options in PRO version.

In PRO version, there are 10+ social style templates.

Can I control my content length on blog page?

Yes, you can. 'Post Content Length' option will give you ability to control your content characters on blog page.

I want to hide post details like post author, post date. Can I?

Yes, There is 'General Settings' panel where you can manage your post details as you want to show or not.

Can I manage my 'Read More' text on blog page?

Yes, you can change that text and decorate it also whatever you like.

Can I create post sliders with the help of Blog Designer plugin?

Yes, there are 3 slider templates – Crayon, Sallet and Sunshiny slider included with the plugin.

In WordPress 4.7, there is new feature available as 'Post Template'. Can I create multiple single post layouts even if I don't use of this post template feature?

Yes, that option available in PRO version. There is no coding skill required to create unlimited Single Post Layouts with the site.

What about custom post type support?

Custom Post type support only available with Blog Designer PRO version.

Where can I get support or talk for blog designer issues?

If you get stuck, you can ask for help with Blog Designer plugin Support Forum or can create a ticket at our Support Portal.

Will Blog Designer work with my theme?

Yes, Blog Designer will work with any WordPress themes, but may require some styling changes to make it compatible. If you are facing any compatibility issue with Blog Designer plugin then please contact us at Support Forum.


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